Non torneremo alla vita normale fino all’invenzione di un vaccino

apr 13, 2020 Categorie: Media ,Sui mass media
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We spoke to Italy’s junior health minister about their lockdown exit plan.
Until the discovery of a vaccine, Schools closed until September, restaurants and bars closed (or open with restrictions) for many more months, perhaps even until vaccine is available.

Jean Mackenzie interviews Sandra Zampa on BBC News of april 13th 2020

Until the discovery of a vaccine it’s impossibile to imagine that you can return to a normal life. The schools for example, will only open in September, not now. We can’t have concerts, we can’t have cinemas. Now it’s impossibile to imagine that restaurants can reopen.

Italy Deputy Health Minister Sandra Zampa Interview by J. Mackenzie for @BBCNews from Sandra Zampa on Vimeo.

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abc last apr 13, 2020 Categorie: Media ,Sui mass media
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